Day 98 of 100 Days of Painting

Day 98 of 100 Days of Painting

They have made it back from Mexico!

Every year, the tiny but stunning, endangered Monarch Butterfly travels thousands of miles from Mexico, where it spends the winter, to my backyard!

For the last few years, our family has been collecting and raising monarchs. They do have predators in the wild, and it helps to give them a safe place to grow and turn into a chrysalis!

The process is incredible to be a part of. The miracle of God's creation that this tiny, delicate insect will travel incredible distances to gather with all the other monarchs in one tiny little area of Mexico, live longer than any other generation of monarchs to travel back to the same area it came from, mate, lay eggs and then 3 or 4 generations later its great, great grandchildren will travel all the way back to the exact same little area in Mexico! It boggles my mind and the mind of science how generations late they can find the place they need to be!

If our Creator cares so much as to design this beautiful and perplexing little Wonder, how much more does He care for you and me?

The prompt for today was "flutter."

Day 98

Check out the painting process video on Instagram

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