Today kinda sucked...
Between some obligations that I fell short on, a list of tasks that seems to double every day, a garden that I don't have in yet, a hormonal headache, missed breakfast, and 3 kids that need to be educated and kept alive, today was rough..
What I was losing sight of, though, was I can't be expected to do all this on my own. I need God's help, strength, wisdom, and guidance. Sometimes, I just need a hug, too, and I thank my dad for that today.
A really special time with each of my kids has been taking them up to a local hill in the country. It's one of the tallest around. We turn off the vehicle, wait for about 5 min for our eyes to adjust to the dark, and then look up.
Those next moments have been filled with absolute awe, tears, and wonder for both me and my kids. Bathed in the vastness of creation and ultimately our Creator.
When all we seem to be able to focus on are the obstacles around us, maybe we need to take a moment to look up.
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?"
Psalm 8:3-4
The prompt for today was "stargaze."
Day 94
"Look Up"