Day 91 of 100 Days of Painting

Day 91 of 100 Days of Painting

I needed help naming this one!

I've looked and looked, but couldn't find the name of this formation. Maybe @cfsnowbirds can help me out there!? 😊

Maybe the formation name would be a good name for the painting? Maybe not!? Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

@thethreejet thank you so much for helping me name this one! Is it possible that you might even be in one of the planes in the reference photo!?

I have only seen the Canadian Forces Snowbirds perform once, but I hope to go this year! My husband is an absolute Air Force fan and used to draw and make all different plane models in his youth. I have to say he was pretty excited about this one! 🥰

The prompt for today was "soar."

Day 91
"The Lagback Cross"

Check out the painting process video on Instagram

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