Day 22 of 100 Days of Painting

Day 22 of 100 Days of Painting

Mornings are horrible.

This was my mantra for the last 30+ years of my life. Until very recently, I stayed up too late, slept in exhausted, and was awoken by my kids screaming bloody murder more often than not. Heart pounding, starting my day in fight or flight response. I often spent the rest of the day catching up to whatever needed to be done that day, in a bad mood, and feeling like I could never get ahead. Looking forward to a few hours after the kids went to bed to have to
myself, which inevitably turned into 4 or 5. And the cycle started all over again. Mornings really were horrible.

Recently, I have been developing a morning habit of listening to mentorship lessons and getting into the worksheets, usually hours before the kids are up at all. It has changed my life in more way than one, but for starters, I now look forward to mornings with my coffee, quietly connecting with the Father and learning more about His Kingdom, myself, and how it all works.

The prompt for today is "books."

Day 22
"Books Were Opened"

Check out the painting process video on Instagram

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