Day 14 of 100 Days of Painting

Day 14 of 100 Days of Painting

2 weeks in already! I feel like this process has really helped me grow and given the freedom try things I have wanted to for some time, but maybe didn't feel like they would be profitable.

When I was in my early teens, one of the first things I put in the effort to learn, was how to draw horses. I haven't ever painted one, though, and haven't drawn one in over 20 years! I'm pretty happy this how this carousel inspired unicorn turned out, though!

Don't forget your roots. Like a carousel, things always seem to come full circle. Don't forget to grow too, and always move forward. Let's go!

I've been asked how can I make my artistic practice work for me 🎨 and the prompt for today was "carousel"

Day 14
"Let's Go"

Check out the painting process video on Instagram

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