Day 11 of 100 Days of Painting

Day 11 of 100 Days of Painting

If you know my paintings at all, you know I love skies! One thing I never realized was that the morning sun turned the bare winter branches if the trees pink! So pretty!

One of the biggest changes I have made in the last few months is getting up early. I have always been a night owl, never a morning person, although I always liked the idea of being one. When we were away in the Bahamas, I was up at 6-6:30 every morning for the whole 3 weeks we were there, and I think it changed me! Since we've been back, I'm still getting up much earlier than I used to, which also means I am seeing more sunrises than I ever have in my life!

I've been asked how can I make my artistic practice work for me 🎨 and the prompt for today was "sky."

Day 11
"Morning Light"

Check out the process video on Instagram

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