Already 10% of the way in! Crazy how times goes by so fast...
Today's prompt was "teacup", and while there were a ton of ways I could have interpreted this one, I chose to paint an actual tea cup. Mostly because I never have and it's something I would likely never choose to do myself.
As I was painting the empty cup, I was thinking about how I need to be filled with God's Holy Spirit continually. I am a leaky cup, and if I don't connect with Him on a daily basis, I quickly become empty, with nothing to give. An empty cup is nothing more than an object with potential, sitting on the shelf. I need Him to continually fill up my cup.
I've been asked how can I make my artistic practice work for me 🎨 and the prompt for today was "teacup".
Day 10
"Fill Up My Cup"
Check out the painting process video on Instagram